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Paisley & Jade

You may have thought this page would contain individual bios, or perfectly posed photos of each of our team members – and trust us, we thought about it! But instead, we want to tell you about who we are together, because this place, the collection, and this business wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the entirety of our team.

As you can probably imagine, when we were kids, none of us thought “I want to work in specialty rentals when I grow up!” Instead we dreamed of being artists & creators & doers & thinkers. We have all specialized in different things in our pasts that brought us to where we are today: television production. catering sales. sculpture. technical theatre. communications. And all of those things equally did and did not prepare us to spend our days surrounded by chairs & sawdust & horsehair stuffing. But really – what could have actually prepared us for this?

We work together to ensure that every client, every order and every piece of the collection is taken care of above and beyond what is expected. Our sales team works with our clients to dream big dreams, our artistic engineer creates them into existence, and our logistics, warehouse and delivery crews execute each order with precision (and a little pizazz for good measure!). Every task that one team member does affects the work of another, which has morphed us into this awkward little (slightly-dysfunctional-in-a-good-way) family.

We love good tattoo stories, fighting over who gets to pick the playlist, debating the merits of getting pizza delivered versus picking it up, & only having to go to Lowe’s once. We could do without “grown-up” clothes, doors that never close all the way, cauliflower everything, & the ice cream truck driving by without stopping.

Oh, and how could we forget? We also love chairs!


Richmond, Virginia



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